I have been so tempted to do a list blog post for so long after being inspired by Angela Giakas from thesundaychapter.blogspot.co.uk, who does the best list blog posts!
So today here is one I have made to make a bad day better:
1. Watch a funny YouTube video
2. Treat yourself to a shopping trip
3. Wear cozy clothes and fluffy socks
4. Read your favourite blog
5. Go for a walk
6. Do some yoga
7. Have a pamper evening - bubble bath, face masks, the whole lot!
8. Do some exercise - releases good endorphins
9. Write a To-Do list
10. Achieve everything on your To-Do list
11. Ring your best friend
12. Google "Pugs in Costumes"
13. Make yourself some hot chocolate
14. Watch your favourite movie
15. Read your favourite book
16. Light scented candles
17. Eat some cake
18. Dance around your room to your favourite music
19. Draw/Paint/Photograph
20. Take a break from social media and gossip
21. Play around with your makeup
22. Dress up in your favourite outfit
23. Eat your favourite food
24. See your family
25. Think of at least 10 positive things in your life
26. Write down any bad thoughts, rip up the piece of paper and flush it down the loo
27. Do some baking
28. Scream into your pillow
29. Flick through old photos
30. FINALLY, remember that this photo of Leonardo DiCaprio exists:
Hope this list helps to brighten a bad day!
Love El